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This game was such a mental experience! Hope to see it fully fleshed out! Also if you don't wanna see the first game and came for the juicy gameplay of this game but jump right to 9:14!

(1 edit) (+1)
I'm curious to see where the game is taking me. There's a bigger story to this. Can't wait for the full game!
(1 edit)

I love the logic sequence about happiness and cookies about halfway through. The dynamic focus is great, but it's a bit too much when you're holding an item and trying to move around. The environment is super detailed, and I think you're doing good work. Keep it up!


What an experience!




This Game Was Unnerving lol im terrified to think what kinds of things you are going to do to me in the full game xD Here is my Playthrough of it!


That was a great trippy experience! I’ve really enjoyed that teaser and I can’t wait for the full game to be released! Here’s my little playthrough (Polish language) Cheers!

(1 edit) (+2)

jacksepticeye played your game. Look at 18:00 min 


The finished work will be a BIG DEAL, if this PT is any indication. Please do consider VR support, the prison-cell environment is made for it. If this were in VR it might be too much (which is exactly what you want!).


In my first playthrough, it was pretty surprising that my PC could run the game at optimum performance lol. This game is pretty unique, which is a good thing for a horror game (if you could class this as one?)
I think I played an earlier version in my first playthrough...? Because the part where you had to circle the room 3 times got really confusing because I thought I broke the game, as that was a vague task to understand.

In my second playthrough, although, the game seems like it got updated because the wall counted how many times I circled the room. (When I watched other YouTubers, they didn't have the counting thing, so I thought I got the recent update).
After all that, I was pretty nervous of breaking the process with each task because I didn't want to start all over again.

That being said, this was a fantastic experience and I am looking forward to the world you guys are creating!


Well, this was something different. Nice to see such fresh ideas :)


I have never been more terrified in a game than I have with Sentient. I seriously CAN NOT WAIT for the full game to be completed.


Great game had a hell of a time playing it, can't wait to see the final product.

this game messed up my mind but it was awesome. i hope to whoever watches this video would support my channel <3


Loved the psychological subservient tone to this game - and the simply dynamics of using a tennis ball to convey philosophical type questions was great.

Hope to see more of this type of mechanic in future games, or an expansion of Sentient where you (possibly) get out of the cell or meet your 'neighbour'...

The unsettling and foreboding atmosphere was really well done, although the ending felt a little anticlimactic. But I guess if the 'subject' was doing this every day, you would start to feel a little crazy...

Check out our video below 

Twitter: @insideurscreen


this was amazing, so simple yet freaky in a world that i have zero insight to.

the graphics really helped add to the games overall vibe

Really cool moments but overall I felt they were too far apart. Maybe I am just too impatient but it just felt a tad bit slow for me. Other than that it was a really cool concept!


Made friends with a chimp (who may be evil), ate cookies and got pretty dizzy! Good times!

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(1 edit) (+1)

Fun little game!Looking forward to the full release

Link to my channel (opens in new tab)


The graphic was great, how eerie and unsettling this teaser was, with the ne--

oh! COOKIE!!


Very unsettling and well made, the graphics are delicious. cant wait for the full release

This! So little happening but also so much happening! Cant wait to see what you all are cooking up!


This is incredible and feels like it could have been a level of kojimas silent hills. Psychological horror with minimalistic ressources, but incredible effective! I can't wait for the full game.


Really well done! I cant wait to see more of this universe and get more cookies.


Can't wait for more! Very good.


Not sure if it was influenced/inspired by .. but it reminds me of the film "Cube" from 1997 .. They wake up in square rooms, each one numbered.. they can choose an exit on any of the walls which takes them to another cube..some are safe, others are deadly.. there are puzzles and mystery.. They know they are part of some massive experiment given the size and number of rooms.. but no idea who their captors are.

This gives me those vibes.. as they travel through they sometimes run into other people and form a group



I broke the game by throwing the ball up the tube before being given any instructions... So yea

Hello, I'd very much like to play the game, but my resolution is quite low and it doesn't fit my monitor quite right, is there anyway to fix this in a settings that I couldn't find or something


The atmosphere is fantastic. I was so intrigued when I got to the end and it said "belongs to a bigger world currently under development by FORMA". I want to know more about the facility and the world outside the facility! It's great! If I could make one suggestion it would be to tone down the motion blur and Depth of Field effects by like 30%. I like the effect, it adds a sense of realism, but it seems like it's a bit too intense. That could just be me, though. Either way, can't wait to play the full game!

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I can't describe in words how the experience was. It made me feel a lot of things that I hadn't in any other game before. The simulation really made me feel as if I was in control and at the same time not being in control of what was happening or what I was thinking. 

Control wise, it was a little off-putting. The really aggressive depth of field kept breaking the immersion and the character movement could use some improvement.

Overall I love this unique simulation game and I positively look forward to the full release of the game.


This is a very cool idea, I love when people use gaming as a medium beyond just entertainment and try to make people think or feel something. However I have a couple suggestions and believe that some changes could be needed.

VR support would be nice and is easy enough with Unreal Engine. A photo-realistic horror/puzzle game or whatever this is would be very nice.

Depth of field looks great in movies, but it doesn't in games because the center of the screen isn't always where your eyes are looking, so quite often the area you're looking at is out of focus.

A option to change from 4:3 to 16:9 would be nice, though perhaps this was intentionally left 4:3 to create a claustrophobic atmosphere which is understandable but still some people might see the 4:3, realize there are no options and just quit right there.

Also please use a different sound for eating it's just unpleasant and not the disturbing unpleasant, it's just bad.

Looking forward to seeing the world you're building :)

(3 edits) (+1)

This game gave off weird and unsettling vibes from the moment I started it up, which made it enjoyable. Overall nice game and good luck with your project!

(Sorry for posting a comment although I made this video a day ago, It's just that, I noticed you guys were on a bit too late.)

Deleted 5 years ago



Awesome experience!! Keep up the great work.



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